April 7, 2010

How does a day completely switch?

Okay so today started out really well. I did my devotions on Matthew 4-6. I can't believe how God is opening my eyes to things that even though I have always been raised in a Christian home and gone to Christian schools, they never clicked. I have always had a major issue with worry, even to the point of being sick, literally, worrying about things. Matthew 6:32-34 "...your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today."  I love my God. He knows exactly what we need exactly when we need it. BJ had a dr's appointment today and I was beginning to worry about it before I was doing my devotional. I am so in awe that all I can say is Thank you and I love you God.

Then we go from that high to my afternoon, which I swear I had to be in the queue to get the calls from customers who were incredibly upset. It even got to the point that my supervisor even asked why I was getting those calls. Before this last week, I would have gotten incredibly upset and just let it ruin my day and not act in any godly or willing to help the people calling in. Today though I wanted to help them and do the best I could for them not just because it is my job but because I know that is what God wants from me. I also would have come home in a horrible mood and let it ruin any time I would have with the family. Today, I came home vented to BJ for a few minutes and then moved on. All I can say is, He is AMAZING!

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